DVA Professional House Cleaning


You served our country, put your life on the line so that us civilians can live a peaceful stress-free lifestyle. You’ve probably also assisted with rebuilding the less fortunate countries, and giving the locals a place worth living. Now that your home, you’re most likely entitled to house cleaning services either weekly or fortnightly, paid for by the government. Providing you live south of the river, we can provide you with the most professional house cleaning service in Perth! Being the best (GUARANTEED), comes at a high cost. But if you’re entitled to DVA cleaning, it literally won’t cost you a cent! And guess what? You probably deserve it! So give Mike a call, and you’ll become the envy of your friends! Whilst living in a ridiculously clean house!


Our Client's Feedback About Us
And Our Services

  • Step 1
    Personal Information
  • Step 2
    Housecleaning Information
  • Step 3
    DVA or NDIS House Cleaning
  • Step 4
    Your Feedback

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